Completed Year


Built-up Area


  • Design & Build
  • Visual Merchandising
  • Site Coordination
  • Design Consultancy

Natural, Majestic, Harmony


A prominent radio announcer, model, and actress, Celebrity Gan Mei Yan collaborated with Kalvin Gan with a natural urban Muji concept on her comfy house that matches the owner’s desire to feel warmth and peace ambiance.

A beautiful balance of light and colour makes the home bright and elegant, with the curtain making the natural light and airflow fresh in the morning. The L shaped sofa is not only modern in look but welcoming all the guests. In the kitchen, a beautiful geometric L shape island combines the dining room 2 in1 together.

The brief focused on design detailing and high-quality finishes for a spacious, easy-to-maintain nature and soulful home. The exquisite beauty of Muji wood is brought to the fore in this modern zen home, with sculptural elements that are compelling on their own and even more impressive together. Find out more details on our video pages!