Completed Year


Built-up Area


  • Design & Build
  • Visual Merchandising
  • Site Coordination
  • Design Consultancy

Tropicana, Leisurable


K+E interior design company brings distinct traditional Balinese features with the comforts of modern luxury villa into Dato Foo’s bungalow. This design is distinct for being harmonious in nature and provides a laid back way of life.

Kalvin Gan designed an amazing Balinese-Hinduism water feature in which water as an element of cleansing both physically and the sound of flowing water will soothe any unsettled soul. The seamless integration between outdoor and indoor spaces is quintessential in the modern Balinese style.

Besides that, Balinese-inspired furniture such as baskets, Cotton, Bali wood, linen textiles, earthy colour, and ceramic item create the island vibe and gives a tropical island look that show the unique and beauty of the bungalow.