Completed Year


Built-up Area


  • Design & Build
  • Visual Merchandising
  • Site Coordination
  • Lighting Consultancy
  • Landscape Design
Awards & Mentions

My Favourite Interior Designer (MFID)

Magic Music Box


Located in south of Kuala Lumpur , Bukit Jadil, Johson Woo’s Semi Phase is an MIFID award-winning project in 2015. Contemporary modern interior design style has put in this whole room which design is all about the here and now.

The design of Semi Phase encapsulates a sense of modern living, redefined in the comfort of the eccentric surrounds of wood. The layout of this semi-Phase is inspired by a magic box separating the sleeping quarters from the living rooms.

To meet our client’s requirements, the open-plan design is spacious and embraces the abundance of natural light, giving it a homely feel that is visually impressive and welcoming to all. We wanted the space to feel rich, with detail, quality, and precision demonstrated in a style that is uniquely theirs.